Monday, 25 March 2013

To lose or not to lose that is the question??

As regular readers will know I have been dieting since October and have been quite successful consistently losing weight (except in Christmas week). Today I reached my 3 stone award and am really pleased. 

However this means I am now only 1 1/2 pounds off my overall target weight. This should be manageable to lose by next Monday at the next 'weigh in', this 'weigh in' is also the last week paid for and the last space on my weight chart! So this would tie everything up nicely and I could leave Slimming World at target weight, save money and have  a totally full page of steady weight loss to look at and be proud of.

When I set my weight target it sounded so distant I could not picture what I would look like at that weight and could not think what I would be like or feel like at that size.

Now that I am there, well almost, I am sure I can lose lots more, many women have joined Slimming World weighing less than me and this makes you think...

I have never thought I could be a slim person or even a normal sized person I had always thought I would be a big person, who ate lots and wore big clothes, but now I think I could be an average size person who eats lots of good food and wears medium clothes. Last week I went shopping for the first time since loosing weight and I now wear medium clothes! 

I think people are more like breeds of dogs than we think - some big, some small. There is no chance that I will ever be a size zero or even a size 10 but I could just maybe fit in to a size 12 some day.... 

But do I want to...? 

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