Friday, 3 August 2012

Too many numbers

When ever I have watched property programmes in the past I have always wondered how people say 'we have around xx-xxx to spend' and how they can't afford something and then suddenly they can!! 
Now I get it! We have been juggling figures taking a bit from here adding a bit from there looking at intestest rates and generally mulling over, what in fact are, totally arbitrary figures because 
a) we don't know how much our house will sell for, as the valuations were 20K different and
b) we don't know which house, for which price, with how much work to do.
So I rest with one question 
how much do I think it is all worth?
... and the answer is?!?!?........ (diddily squat if I am having to claim on these life insurance policies everyone is trying to sell me!)

Well at least I am not alone Emma has really been trying (despite the tiredness, the lack of experience and huge lack of information I have provided her with) to support me and help me along the decision process. Over the last week I have had too much time to think about our new house and our move (and the cost of it all) and I have left Emma trailing behind not really knowing where we are at, so now I am slowing down and consulting my wife and thinking things through with her        well thats the plan anyway I'll let you know how we get on (or maybe Emma will).


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