Friday, 18 January 2013

Keeping Fit and Finding Time

After our move to Kings Heath we decided to join LA fitness, a local gym with fitness classes, loads of equipment and most importantly for me a swimming pool.

I have started to regularly attend classes and go swimming a few times a week, I am really enjoying the Zumba classes at the gym and with 4 per week each at different times I am able to squeeze at least one in, I decided on Wednesday to switch from Zumba to Aqua Aerobics (because I think 4 Zumba classes with the same instructors in a week maybe a bit too much) I really really enjoyed the Aqua Aerobics. I am a real water baby and love swimming and generally being in the pool, bath, puddles, sink! What I also had not appreciated before going is that you don't get too hot because you can just duck under water and you are soon cool. I really felt I was getting a good work out!

Wednesday was also my first Yoga class which was a really nice gentle but concentrating session which I am definitely going to try to do each week. The great thing about LA fitness is that you can sign up for classes anything from 5 minutes  to 8 days before so you don't have to sign up for 10 weeks  you can mix and match and most classes are on more than once a  week so you can pick and choose when best suits you!

It is currently fitting in great with my work as I work part time and do 3 or 4 longish days per week. I was really impressed last week as although it was the week of my play and I had to be at the theatre every evening and in the office or at the theatre most days, I still got in  a couple of sessions in the pool and classes in the gym. I am looking forward to when term starts back and I start teaching in the evenings when I can really get in to a pattern and a stride with my work, life, fitness balance.

The problem I am now foreseeing is that I may be using the gym as an excuse not to do housework and important life organising! I hate post! The thought of someone sending me a bill or worst still, something I have to make a decision about and send back is just detestable. I know that with moving house recently there are more things I have to organise and I needed to change my address with the world and his wife, (I feel like I have only just changed my name  with everyone) but it really is a task I dread but not quite as much as Emma hates it so I feel I need to take the lead but my lead is like that of a snail!

My Aunty and Uncle are coming to see the house tomorrow and there is so much sorting and organising I need to do but instead I am writing blogs and working out when I can get back in the pool!

Another great thing about the gym is that Emma is a member too so we can do classes together! YAY!

P.S Gym is now closed because of snow, house work it is boooo!